Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)

Registration for our site is simple. You just need your Email to sign up.

Buying coins is available for registered users only.
We use 2 methods to deliver coins to customers.

With this method, the client does not tell us the details from FUT account.
When ordering, our system selects safe players for you, and requests that you add the player to the transfer market in FUT according to its explicit instructions
Then the system will automatically redeem your players in the market from many different accounts.
You can be in touch with us through live chat.

In this method, the client will give us the details from his FUT account.
The coins are transferred to the customer’s accounts without his participation.
The main advantage of this method is that the client does little to no work. We will do everything.
We make sure both delivery methods are as secure as possible for your accounts.

Buying coins is available for registered users only.
Log in to the website.
On the Buy page, select the platform for your purchase.
Choose Deliver Method Auction
Pay for your order.
Following instructions.
After paying for your order enter the exact number of coins that you have on your account in the game.
If you enter false information about your game balance, we will not be able to quickly and securely transfer coins to you.
Click On Live Chat
Buy player and setup a player in the game exactly as the live chat.
When the player is bought, continue to strictly follow the system instructions
You get exactly the number of coins you pay for. We undertake the cost of players, as well as 5% EA fee.

Buying coins is available for registered users only.
Log in to the website.
On the main page, select your platform.
Enter the number of coins you want to buy and continue.
After paying for your order fill in the fields with data from your Origin account (we do not need data from your PSN or Xbox Live account, please use ONLY the data from your Origin account).
Once everything is filled in, click SUBMIT.
Wait for the completion of your order. As soon as your order is ready, we will notify you of this by the Email you specified. Also, you can track the status by going to the history of your purchases.
To use this method, your account must have access to the transfer market in the FUT Web App.
Please do not use your account during the execution of your order, otherwise the delivery time of coins may increase significantly.
Also, after completing your order, change the password for your account.

Behind the scenes, our team of hundreds of suppliers are working hard.
When using the manual delivery method it will take 10 min –  3 hours to buy one player.
When using our comfortable delivery method, your order will be processed within 30 minutes to 6 hours (it depends on the number of coins purchased). At least 91% of orders are completed in less 45 min

Periodically, we send them to our customers. If you want to keep abreast of our news and discounts, enter your email address in the account settings.

More than 100,000 players have used our services.
At least 93% of orders are completed in a short time!
full secure online payment system proved by users.
Full money back if you want to cancel your orders!
Live chat
Live answers to your questions. all time available.